Friday, March 6, 2009

Goodbye Revolving Door

Unless the economy goes belly-up so that we all have to move in together like they did during the Great Depression, hubby and I have locked the revolving door. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not a heartless witch. It's just our house is basically what you would consider a cottage...1155 sq. feet to be exact. There's just enough room for an old couple (us). It has 3 bedrooms, but 2 of those bedrooms are about the size of a large walk-in closet. One of those is my office...I'm self-employed...and the other...well, it has been the camping out area for just about all of my immediate family. Two daughters, one son, and my mother have all graced that room for extended periods over the last four and a half years. It seems like once I had plans for the room someone else needed it.  The last guest moved out in November. So, I held my breath and removed the futon that has been used as a bed for the last couple of visitors, and turned the room back into....drumroll....a sewing/craft room. Yay!

I quilt...and for the last year I haven't been able to do it. I tried do it out in the garage one year during the winter, with a space heater. I had to wear gloves with the fingers cut out. Very clumsy. So that option tanked. Summer wasn't too bad in the garage, but people really aren't impressed with sweat spots on their gifts. So I put the sewing away. 

And now it's back. I am so happy. This is such a great stress reliever for me. And I have a myriad of projects that I need to finish. My goal is to get three projects done by the end of the year.  About 11 or so years ago I started a queen size quilt for my second son. Silly me, I decided to hand quilt it. I have one and third borders left to finish it. After about 8 or 9 years of him asking when he was going to get it, he has given up. HA! I'll surprise him. Three years ago I started a wedding quilt for my oldest daughter. She's now been married 2 1/2 years and has a baby and no quilt.  Project number 2 this year. And when my oldest son was diagnosed with a serious illness and came home for me to care for him this past year, I started a quilt for him. Project number 3.  At least I won't have time to get bored!

So the door is closed except for dinners and such. And I get to go back to creating things that won't put inches on my already robust body. When I get my camera fixed I will post some pics of my creations. And I do continue to cook. Just have many other things to do now.


KB said...

I'm moving home. And I think you still OWE me a quilt ;)

KB said...

BTW, I'm KB.

Karen said...

LOL! I sorta figured it out from the OWE comment It's out and in my sewing room. If you're moving home bring your tent. You'll need it!

Carl and Pat said...

Way to stick by your guns, Karen!! Quilting is one of my retirement goals. I wish we lived closer so you could mentor me. I've always admired your ability to combine colors. We'll look forward to photos.

beartwin said...

Yea we thought we had a room set up for exercise but as always someone came back home. You owe me a quilt too!!! :)

Audrey Simon said...

Yay for you! I think it's a fabulous idea! BTW, it sounds like we might have the same house. :)